SimplyComplicated was originally intended to be a lifestyle blog for twenty-something women, but God had bigger and better plans.

As I got to writing about my life experiences and translating them into encouragement for readers like yourself- I couldn’t seem to get through a blog post without including God’s word. That was when it became clear to me that in every season God has been there whether I knew it or not. He’s been there the good days, the not-so good days, and every moment in between- giving me favor, protecting me, guiding me, blessing me, comforting me, and pouring out His unfailing love without expecting anything in return.

That AHA moment is what birthed SimplyComplicated faith blog. 

Give your soul the care it needs.

SimplyComplicated is like the first sip of coffee on a Saturday morning- bringing you comfort, delight, and the momentum you need to continue to run the race God has you on! 

This blog has one purpose: to encourage you on your faith walk. You won’t find resources on how to boost your newsletter subscribers or start a podcast; however, I believe with all my heart that God led you here to deliver a message He needs you to hear- a message that gives you the second wind and courage to stay the course and continue clinging to all that is GOOD in your life both now and in the future (Romans 12:9)

So now that you’re here- explore awhile.

The Lord bless you, and keep you, and make His face shine upon you, friend.

From my heart to yours,
