Unfathomable (adj): incapable of being fully explored or understood.
Has God ever done something in your life where there is no way to explain it without mentioning His name? You know, those “But God”/ “Won’t He Will”, stories?
Here are a few examples from my life:
- First job out of college with only a Bachelors in Communication I was offered a job with a Billion dollar tech company when the job qualifications were 5+years of experience, a Masters in HR or Business, etc.. I WAS NOT QUALIFIED
- I was accepted into a program teaching English in Madrid when I have no teaching experience and don’t speak spanish fluently I WAS NOT QUALIFIED
- I was the only Marketing Team SPOC in North Americas region reporting to the Chief Marketing Officer for billion dollar company with no prior experience in Marketing I WAS NOT QUALIFIED
The world would call this luck, good karma, etc. but as a believer I know it is God.
“The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord.”
When I first felt called to start a faith blog I was taken aback. I didn’t feel I was qualified for the task and it didn’t make sense to me- Why me when there are millions of twenty something girls in my situation with a lot more Biblical knowledge and wisdom.. I can’t even speak in tongues! But I felt God telling m it’s not my job to understand, it’s my job to obey.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” Isaiah 55:8-9
So I am choosing to let GO and let GOD with confidence, knowing that:
- Obedience is easier than stubbornly wrestling with God, trying to make sense of it in my mind (Psalm 131)
- He never puts those whom He loves to shame
- He works everything out in our lives for GOOD
- His Spirit goes with me wherever
- He will use this blog to touch at least one person’s life
When has God done the unfathomable in your life? Leave it in the comments!
From my heart to yours,