Have you ever sat at a table where you felt like you were the least qualified or experienced person amongst the group? Like you couldn’t relate to anyone or anything being said no matter how hard you tried?
This was me at almost every work meeting or dining table I sat at during my first year of working professionally. “Under-qualified” was my middle name. It was a humbling experience to go from a college environment where I was a leader and mentor to a corporate environment where I was working with people double my age in a role that was completely foreign to me.
That first year it was extremely hard not to come home and beat myself up about everything “dumb” I said or emailed throughout the day, but I learned that the secret to remembering my power and peace was to:
- Flip the Script of my thoughts
- Remember God’s truth spoken to me (Affirmations List Below)
Flip the Script
Once I realized spending all my time tearing myself down instead of building myself up wasn’t benefiting me whatsoever, I decided to try a different strategy of thinking. I ‘flipped the script’ of my thoughts from that of negativity to that of positivity (Philippians 4:3)
For example:
When my quarterly review came and my boss told me I was going to be put on a learning plan, I didn’t think “Oh my goodness I’m going to get fired I’m a failure” I chose to think, “My boss sees potential in me which is why he’s giving constructive criticism. How lucky am I to have a boss that is invested in me”.
When I would get invited to a client dinner or leadership meeting instead of thinking “Oh my goodness what if I say the wrong thing/ I have no value-add in this conversation” I chose to tell myself, “Wow, what a great opportunity I have to meet someone new and learn from much more experienced people! How cool that I get to be the reason these people feel good today for teaching me something new! “
“There is a time to be a student, and there is a time to be a teacher. Each being just as valuable as the other”
Understand that this is a new job, new environment; therefore this is meant to be a season of feeling uncomfortable and vulnerable! Two of the worst things you can do are let this precious season of learning slip away by:
- Allowing negative thoughts to fill all of your mental space and hold you back from showing up as your best self
- Pretending like you have it altogether and not being open to reaching out and learning from those more experienced around you
- Compare yourself to those around you (we all have different gifts!)
Affirm His Truth
- God gave us a spirit of FAITH “For God didn’t give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind” – 2 Timothy 1:7
2. You are highly favored- You have something the world doesn’t have- the Spirit- dwelling within you which causes you to glow differently! “Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed” – Psalm 34:5 (more on favor here)
3. Remember no one is God: People are just that, people. No one is God hence you have no need to fear man. “The one who comes from above is above all; the one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth. The one who comes from heaven is above all”- John 3:31
4. Remember His presence: God’s presence goes with you always- That is, in the board room, break room, at the client dinner, etc. Ask God to give you the right words to say when He wants you to speak, and the spirit to hold your tongue when you need to hold your tongue. “She speaks with wisdom” Proverbs 31:26
How did this encourage you? Drop a comment below!
From my heart to yours,