I recently read an article here about how millennials are being labeled as “The Burnout Generation”.
As an ambitious twenty-something woman I can all too much relate to this feeling of pushing, grinding, striving..I want a well-paying job, a studio in NYC, an active event calendar, expansive social circle, healthy physique, glowing skin.. Is that all too much to ask for?
All these goals circling around my head in the midst of my day-to-day responsibilities cause me to constantly be ON THE GO, better yet- ON THE RUN.
Before I even reach work I try my best to have worked out, listened to my daily podcast, read a newspaper article, and dare I say “set the intention” for my day/meditate (sounds more like an oxymoron here).
Maybe you, too, feel like you’re constantly trying to squeeze the life out of every free second in your day and can use a little “WOOSAH” somewhere in your list of to-do’s.
Where before my main goal in life was to accomplish my goals, now as I grow closer in my relationship with God the more my aim is to obey His word. To be more like Him. To follow HIS WILL for me. And what does God tell us is most important for us to do as believers?
LOVE OTHERS, just as He has loved you (John 13:34) Because God is the essence of love.
If I’m being honest, looking back at my week there’s been multiple intenses where I’ve brushed people off because I was working on something, or was too busy with that was going on in my own head to be present with them.
“People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”- Maya Angelou
I love this, because it reminds me that what good is it if I reach my pinnacle of “success” and find no one there to celebrate with me because I was SO focused and obsessed with my world that I neglected those around me?
Yes, while I still believe God plants unique desires within each one of us that we are called to fulfill, remember that above all else we are here to be an example of His love.
And If that means not crossing off everything on your to-do list because the Spirit prompted you to take an hour or two to listen to a friend in need, get lost in a conversation with a stranger, unexpectedly call someone you haven’t seen in awhile..then so be it!!!
Your only job is to respond in obedience to His commands, and know that God will reward your obedience- not because we deserve it, but because that’s just who He is- GOOD!
“Be careful to obey all these regulations I am giving you, so that it may always go well with you and your children after you, because you will be doing what is good and right in the eyes of the LORD your God”
Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for this day. Spirit guide my day and give me a willing spirit when I feel prompted to do something that disrupts my daily plan or causes me to not finish everything on my to-do list. I pray that I would put on a Christ-like mindset and emit to others the same love that you give to me.
From my heart to yours,
Helpful sermons: