Dear Faith Blogger,
The day you plant the seed is not the day you see the harvest.
I see you there in your living room, with your coffee and messy bun, typing away at your laptop losing track of the hours..
From my heart to yours, Keep Going Sister!
I started SimplyComplicated faith blog to encourage other christian women on their faith journey. Reflecting, I see how God has used it not only to bless others, but also develop myself:
- Ego: When I start to get frustrated that I’m not exactly where I want to be yet, I have to remember WHY I do this in the first place. Is the goal to gain a following OR is it because I enjoy writing and it is a gift God has given me to share with others? When I take my ego out of the equation and show my love for God through the writing process things become lighter.
- Contentment- I used to think I needed to have ministry school experience to be a qualified faith blogger, but God’s shown me that a willing heart are all I need. Whom He calls, He qualifies. My weaknesses exemplify His strengths.
- Obedience: I learned to focus less on what’s up ahead and more on what’s right in front of me. Dream’s don’t come true by sitting idly thinking about them. They come true by DOING. For more, watch this sermon here 🙂 “Want to do something big for God?” Do something small. Faithfully”-Noah Herrin
- Connection: My faith blog has connected me with other faith bloggers that have become my sisters in Christ and those divine connections are something I will be forever thankful for <3
What are you learning from faith blogging? I would love to know with a comment below!!
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving”- Colossians 3:23-24
From my heart to yours,