I wish I was better at taking my own advice.
Last week I had a ton of things on my plate. To any friend I would’ve quoted Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” ; however, when it comes to taking my own advice I chose instead to run around trying to resolve it within my own strength.
And as I continued to run left and right, God continued to direct me to look UPWARDS- towards Him.
Here’s what happened:
1) London:
Running- I recently had a door open for a summer program in London, but as it requires a huge step of faith I want to be certain it’s God’s will for me. I listened to podcast after podcast and even made the 1 hr trip to church in hopes that a pastor would give me some sort of “go-to” sign I felt I needed before committing to the program.
Revelation: It was at church my pastor mentioned that although it’s wise to seek counsel from the church community, we can’t put our hope in a pastor to give us a peace that only comes from God. I realized that I don’t need a divine “shooting star/rare bird sighting” type of sign in order to move forward. God speaks to us in moments as simple as when we lay our heads onto our pillows at night or during our morning commute. God’s answer came when He planted the desire to move to London on my heart in the first place.
2) Tithing-
Running- I wasn’t sure the amount to tithe this month- I wanted to be obedient, but I started to get anxious about the amount I had in mind. It sounds so silly that I allowed a blessing (being able to give) become a burden (getting wrapped up in anxiety about the amount)!!
Revelation: In my morning devotions God gave me the scripture Psalm 16:11 “In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore”. I started with good intentions, but somewhere along the way I let the enemy slip in and steal my joy. This reminded me that while it’s okay to have fear/doubts, when things are from God those feelings are always backed by the peace of the Holy Spirit.
3) Glasses-
Running: I needed my prescription from my US doctor to order glasses online. After weeks of calling my mom agitated I finally decided to take my frustrations to God.
Revelation: Oftentimes, when I’m frustrated I dial up my mom and pour my load unto her instead of taking it to God first. I constantly have to remind myself that although she’s an amazing mother- she’s not God and she’s not supposed to be. For weeks I was going to her with my worries, yet it wasn’t until the day after I prayed that my doctor finally responded to my email. Coincidence? I think not.
I love that God waited to really move and brings things to pass until I finally got to the point where I physically got on my knees and surrendered my anxieties to Him while listening to a worship song He put on my heart called, “Be Still”. It was so humbling to see how what had me running in circles was NOTHING for my God- Praise HIM! How lucky we are to have Him as our strength in our battles.
If you’re in the middle of your own, “Jesus take the wheel” kind of day, week, or season I encourage you to choose surrendering it at all His feet vs. trying to do it on your own. Below are 3 easy steps that helped me and I hope they will help you, too:
- Prayer- Lord I am on my knees. I repent for not taking this to you sooner. I am sorry for having tried to do this on my own, but I need your help. I know you hear my prayer, please move my mountains. Be my strength. Do what I can’t. I lay it all at your feet. Give the peace to lay it at your feet and leave it there. You’ve done it before and you’ll do it again. Nothing is to big for you, my God. May I use this to bring you the glory, may I keep my joy in this. I know you love me, and will never leave me.
- Surrender/worship song: Be Still by Bethel here, Touch of Heaven by Hillsong here, or Prince of Peace here are just two of a few favorites.
- Confession mantras this week: