We’ve all had to make that decision before- to let go of something. Something that once brought you so much joy, comfortability.. Happiness during the time when you weren’t exactly walking in the spirit. Something that you don’t even really know you should let go of, but you feel something deep down telling you you just need to be obedient and close that door to your past.
I know it’s hard. We like to think we can have it all, and not have to sacrifice. But if we want all that God has for us, it is going to take casting off former mindsets, bondages, etc. God can’t elevate you to the next level if you’re still holding onto the chains of the current level you’re standing on.
And I am going to be honest here in this next paragraph: It won’t be easy. Putting to rest for good the behaviors you’ve been feeding for a lifetime is going to take a struggle between your flesh and spirit, but God will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, and if you call to him in prayer He will comfort you and reward you for your obedience in due timing (Luke 11:28)
You need to cast off the old, put on the new self, and rise up my friend (Ephesians 4:22)
For the girl who’s letting go of {Ex:Her former mindsets/beliefs, toxic relationships, a dead-end job, etc.. }
REJOICE! Consider it a sign of growth that the former self would have put up with (XXX), but the new you, the you that’s been called by a new name (Isaiah 62:2-4) – has no time to play small, to entertain games, etc. Consider it a blessing that what once felt so good now brings you discomfort (Ex: when you find yourself playing with fire) What once felt so good, no longer fits into your desires, dreams, the world that you are constructing for yourself. Ex: Dating. Ladies, you know this… If you keep dating men that only satisfy your flesh, you will miss out on the God-fearing man that God has in store for you. He will reward your obedience in His timing- Patience! Good things take time.
4 things to do when you feel tempted to return to old ways:
- Pray to God to resist the temptation. A prayer as simple as, “Lord- help me resist this temptation” will do. God hears. James 1:13
- Invite God into the area that you are working on. We all have our own demons- whether its love, career, finance, well-being, etc.. Invite God into those places. Partner with Him.
- Listen to this sermon here on putting on your new self
- Do something nice for yourself! Get your nails one, make a healthy meal, go get a glass of wine and put on a bubble bath, etc. Reward yourself for choosing yourself. That is, your new and true self! And keep choosing her- Over and over again.
