At the start of every semester in college I had high hopes of being “Little Ms.Organized”. I color coded my notes and kept up to date on all my modules/readings; but alas, somewhere between the end of syllabus and finals week my pretty notes became harder to decipher than Morse Code and I was skimming through readings while running to class to make it in time for the clicker quizzes.
Can you blame me? Anyone who looked at my weekly planner could tell you “spread thin” was a term created for people like me- Tranquilo was never my cup of tea.
Another term created for people like me was “Procrastinator”. It usually looked like me wasting my time worrying about what I needed to get done instead of just doing it.
Relate? If so you know what a terrible equation this is:
Chaotic schedules + Procrastination / Deadlines, Projects, Assignments= STRESS!!!
Thankfully, you have the power to change this equation to:
Chaotic Schedules + Efficiency/ Deadlines, Projects, Assignments= PEACE!!!
“Identity is created through Actions”- Tony Robbins
God didn’t create you to walk around with your head down, overcome with self induced stress, idleness, throwing pity parties. Instead, He girded you with His Endurance, Energy, and Power (Philippians 4:13) which enables us to put on our big girls pants, do the best we can, and trust God to take care of what we can’t.
So get up out of those covers, step away from the fridge, and get to work!
“She doesn’t eat the bread of idleness” Proverbs 31
Below are habits which helped me step away from stressing (Equation 1 above) and into God’s peace (Equation 2 above).
- Prayer: God please be my strength. Help me to deal with this immediately by giving me your divine energy, wisdom, and focus.
(Deuteronomy 3:16)
- Meditate: I like to take 5-10 minutes before getting to work on a project by breathing, closing my eyes, sipping my coffee, and remembering all the times God’s helped me conquer “giants” in my life. God is faithful to His promises, and He’s promised us that He will be our strength and will not let us fail
Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God”
- Break it Down
I get it. It’s hard not to get overwhelmed when our focus is on everything that needs to get done (the outcome). Yes, it’s good to have an end result in mind, but chances are your ideas and final product will change by the end so the main key is to get started!!
Things will come together, piece by piece, little by little, day by day.
4. Save the Best for Last
AKA- do what you don’t want to do, first. I found getting it out of the way while my coffee is still warm, my butt doesn’t ache yet from sitting, and before I start getting fidgety is the best!
6. Mute Distractions- I personally haven’t done this one, but I have friends who have installed apps that lock their social media for periods of time. I know this sounds a bit hard core, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!
In essence, on those days when you’re juggling deadlines amongst the whirlwinds of life, remember that you aren’t doing this solely within your own strength. The Almighty God (the maker of the heavens and the Earth) is your Helper. Now tell me.. How can you fail???
Colossians 3:17 says,
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Yes … “Whatever you do” includes sucky projects, assignments, etc!
You got this- After all, diamonds are built under pressure!
