As I zig-zag through the throng of sunbathers in Hyde Park on a sunny afternoon in London I can’t help but admire how much the locals take advantage of the sun when it comes out to play. Something they understand (which a Southern California girl like me doesn’t) is that you must make the most of the sun because it doesn’t last forever.
It reminds me that just like the sun won’t last forever, just like my time in London won’t last forever- neither will this time on Earth last forever. Dramatic? Indeed. But true nonetheless.
Keeping an eternal mindset is hard when we’re greeted each day with new distractions: New events to attend, new b-day calls to make to loved ones, new deadlines, new lbs to shed off, new emails competing for our attention, new fires to put out at work/home, etc.
In the midst of this it’s hard remembering the bigger picture- the fact that this earth is not our final resting place, but merely a short stop on the journey. I recently learned that in Bhutanese culture, they consider if therapeutic to consider death daily.
“For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come” Hebrews 13:14
Just like the Londoners make the most of the sunshine because they realize it will be gone as quickly as it came, or like travelers make the most of their vacations, we too must make the most out of each day we have here- because it’s limited and unpredictable (James 4:14)
And how do we make the most of our time here?
- Don’t play small
Imagine you are a contract worker put here on a short-term assignment. God has you here to do His business (John 9:4) and He’s equipped you with strength, wisdom, and counsel to do whatever it is that He’s put in your heart to do. Each day our task is to walk in our true identity revealed to us in His word, stay focused, and subtly sow and keep sowing even when we get impatient or start to lose hope.
2. Get out of your own way
The only thing standing between you and the life God has for you- is you! There is a constant flow of joy, love and abundance that runs within you. Seek that place. Return to that place within. God dwells there.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”- Rumi
Define yourself by the vision of your future self rather than memories of the past. God is taking us from glory to glory, strength to strength- with His endless mercy and grace.
Let today be the day you decide to lay aside anything holding you back, draw a line in the sand to your past, renew your mindset, and run fast toward all that is good- No turning back. (Hebrews 12:1) (Romans 12:9) (Luke 9:62)
Why spend one more day in the dark when He called you to be salt and light on the Earth? (Matthew 5)
3. Enjoy the moment
God is love, joy, and He wants us to enjoy our time here!
“I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God’s gift to man” Ecclesiastes 3:12-1
4. Sow seeds
Your ministry is in your midst! What you do today determines your tomorrow. Keep your mind and heart focused on Him as He takes you from glory to glory! Remember, no matter how many times we stumble or get out of alignment, God will always be there to pick us up and receive us back in His open loving arms. He is the God who leaves the 99 to go after the 1 (Matthew 18:12) (Luke 15:4)
“As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me” John 9:4
From my heart to yours,