Practicing: His Presence

Go do life and recognize that every little piece of it is from the Lord. Everything you do can be for His glory and out of love for Him. He cares about the details and the daily menial tasks. He can meet with you in them”-Brother Lawrence

In college I worked part-time at Sunglass Hut. It was there I learned the difference between regular and polarized lenses. Regular lenses are okay, but polarized lenses are next level in the way they magnify and elevate the colors of everything they capture.

This is the best way I can think of to describe inviting God’s presence into everyday moments: like living life with polarized lenses. The ordinary transforms into extraordinary as the eyes of your heart are enlightened and you experience His beauty, love, peace, power rub off on you.

In His presence, you respond with love rather than frustration when performing a thankless task (Ephesians 6:5)

In His presence, you stay peaceful in the middle of afternoon traffic (Psalm 119:28)

In His presence, you have courage and confidence when making that big work presentation (Exodus 4:11-15)

Practicing His presence takes just that- practice!

Here are 3 ways to start practicing His presence throughout your day:

  1. Set an alarm every 50 minutes and when it goes off, hum your favorite hymn or simply utter, “God, you are my thought”.
  2. When negative thoughts surface, say “Lord these are not fit to discuss with you. You do the thinking. Renew my mind by your presence”
  3. If at any point throughout the day you feel depleted of strength say “God, I cannot do this unless you enable me”.
  4. Start your morning saying, “Good Morning God!”

“And if you should forget Him for minutes or even days, do not groan or repent, but begin anew with a smile. Every minute can be a fresh beginning”- Brother Lawrence

Recommended Books:

“Creating a Beautiful Life” by Elizabeth George

Practicing His Presence– Brother Lawrence

From my heart to yours,
